
C2Dx has acquired the Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) family of products from Cook Medical.

Read the press release here.

Daily Archives: June 17, 2024

Case Study | Lacey CECS C2Dx Case Study

Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome: More than Shin Splints Case History State champion, female high school gymnast, Lacey Scheid was diagnosed with Chronic Exertional Compartment Syndrome (CECS). For months, her trainer and doctors treated her condition as shin splints, reducing her training and recommending that she wear a walking boot. The […]

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A brief case review of acute compartment syndrome, a high-risk surgical condition. Delayed diagnosis often leads to permanent disability.

By Vipul Kella, M.D., MBA. FACEP Expert Witness Case Review: Compartment Syndrome Case: A 17-year-old was injured while playing indoor soccer. He presented to the ER with a broken left and underwent surgery the same night. He began complaining of pain, numbness, and burning to the leg after discharge but was […]

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Case Study | Evan ACS C2Dx Case Study

Patient Profile | Evan ACS C2Dx Case Study Case History High school football player, Evan Kroeze was hit during the first scrimmage of his senior year. Kroeze went down on his back and someone’s knee hit his upper thigh. Initially, he thought it was a charley horse, but the final […]

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Expert Consensus Statement: Management of Dysphagia in Head and Neck Cancer Patients

Swallowing is a life-sustaining function that is critical for hydration, nutrition, management of secretions, and consumption of required medications. Swallowing function also contributes to the quality of life through the enjoyment of food and beverage, the social interaction of mealtime, and the shared cultural experience of the cuisine. Safe and […]

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C2Dx has acquired the Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery (OHNS) family of products from Cook Medical.

Read the press release here.