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Clinical Publication Group

Acute Compartment Syndrome of the Limb

April 7, 2020

Monitoring of the intra-compartmental pressure should be routine in any unconscious, sedated and uncooperative patient. If the delta pressure remains less than 30 mmHg, in the presence of clinical signs and despite conservative measures, fasciotomy should be performed as an emergency to preserve the function of the limb. Abstract Whitesides introduced the concept that the

Diagnosing Acute Compartment Syndrome – Where Have We Got To?

March 20, 2020

The most common threshold used by clinicians when assessing compartment pressures remains the delta pressure. The delta pressure is the result of the diastolic blood pressure minus the intra-compartmental pressure found when measuring the pressure with a [STIC Intra-Compartmental] pressure monitor. Abstract A significant amount of work has been put into developing modalities of diagnosing

Acute Compartment Syndrome after an Olecranon Fracture in a Patient with Mild Hemophilia B

March 13, 2020

Failure to recognize compartment syndrome in even mild forms can lead to irreversible tissue necrosis within 6h resulting in the loss of function, neurologic deficits, and limb amputations. The management of acute compartment syndrome in patients with hemophilia requires timely recognition, replacement of clotting factors, and emergent fasciotomies. Abstract Acute compartment syndrome is a serious

Evaluating Effective Non-Narcotic Alternatives in Post-Operative Pain Relief Therapy

March 8, 2020

Opioid misuse and addiction – including prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl – present a serious national crisis that affects our healthcare system, public health, and social and economic welfare. In the United States alone, 136 people die every day from an opioid overdose according to CDC estimates. Beyond the human

How Opioid Addiction Occurs

January 16, 2020

Opioid use — even short term — can lead to addiction and, too often, overdose. Find out how short-term pain relief leads to life-threatening problems. Authored by Mayo Clinical Staff Anyone who takes opioids is at risk of developing addiction. Your personal history and the length of time you use opioids play a role, but

C2Dx Acquires STIC Intra-Compartmental Pressure Monitoring System from Stryker Corporation

June 28, 2019

Kalamazoo, MI, June 28, 2019 –(– Critical Care Diagnostics (C2Dx) Inc., a medical device company focused on providing solutions for the unplanned, life-threatening medical needs of patients and healthcare providers, has been formed to provide medical professionals with a comprehensive range of products. The C2Dx initial product line was acquired from Stryker, one of the

healthcare worker holding an open STIC pressure monitor

New med device company looks to build out product line

June 16, 2019

A new medical device company in Kalamazoo plans to begin building a business around a product acquired from Stryker Corp. to treat a painful and potentially life-threatening condition. Critical Care Diagnostics Inc.’s production of the STIC Pressure Monitor should begin later this year at contract manufacturer Keystone Solutions Group in Kalamazoo. The device can diagnose

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